Prompt Medical Care After A Car Accident

SHOULD YOU SEEK MEDICAL CARE IMMEDIATELY AFTER A CAR ACCIDENT? Many of our clients have not experienced significant pain immediately after a collision.  There is a strong temptation to take…

Car Accidents And Lost Wages

Experiencing a car or motorcycle accident can be both traumatic and difficult.  Even minor collisions can cause people to suffer very painful and inconvenient injuries.  It is not surprising that…

Happy New Year from Cottonwood’s Personal Injury Law Firm

The Law Office of Shiloh K. Hoggard, P.L.L.C., wishes all of you a happy and prosperous 2017! As the preeminent personal injury and employment law firm in Cottonwood and the…

New Cottonwood Location!

The Law Office of Shiloh K. Hoggard, P.L.L.C., has changed locations in Cottonwood.  We are now located at 850 Cove Parkway, Suite C.

Personal Injury Law Update

Most personal injury attorneys in Arizona, and many attorneys throughout the country, are keeping a close eye on Aetna Life Insurance Company v. Kobold, which is currently before the United States…

Car Accident Advice

If you find yourself involved in an accident, don’t panic. Take a deep breath, make sure you are not hurt, and follow these steps on what to do in the…